Interface IDatabase

All Known Implementing Classes:
MockDatabase, SqlRunner

public interface IDatabase

Insert the type's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 11:03:21 AM)

Method Summary
 java.util.Collection doAggregateSelect(Mapping first, Mapping second, java.lang.String field1, java.lang.String field2)
          Insert the method's description here.
 java.util.Collection doAggregateSelect(Mapping first, Mapping second, java.lang.String field1, java.lang.String field2, java.lang.String whereClause)
          Insert the method's description here.
 void doDelete(StorableObject object)
          Insert the method's description here.
 void doInsert(StorableObject object)
          Insert the method's description here.
 java.util.Collection doSelect(Mapping mapping)
          Insert the method's description here.
 java.util.Collection doSelect(Mapping mapping, java.lang.String whereClause)
          Insert the method's description here.
 java.util.Collection doSelect(StorableObject queryObject)
          Insert the method's description here.
 void doUpdate(StorableObject object)
          Insert the method's description here.

Method Detail


public java.util.Collection doAggregateSelect(Mapping first,
                                              Mapping second,
                                              java.lang.String field1,
                                              java.lang.String field2)
                                       throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 11:07:33 AM)


public java.util.Collection doAggregateSelect(Mapping first,
                                              Mapping second,
                                              java.lang.String field1,
                                              java.lang.String field2,
                                              java.lang.String whereClause)
                                       throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 11:07:33 AM)


public void doDelete(StorableObject object)
              throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 5:16:34 PM)


public void doInsert(StorableObject object)
              throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 5:16:34 PM)


public java.util.Collection doSelect(Mapping mapping)
                              throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 11:07:33 AM)


public java.util.Collection doSelect(Mapping mapping,
                                     java.lang.String whereClause)
                              throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 11:07:33 AM)


public java.util.Collection doSelect(StorableObject queryObject)
                              throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 11:07:33 AM)


public void doUpdate(StorableObject object)
              throws DatabaseException
Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (7/3/2001 5:16:34 PM)